The Voices of the Body

In this book, those diffuse ideas that we have in our heads are synthesized and explained, with questions and answers carefully prepared with total clarity and support by thirteen experts on the couch. It will be a treasure for those curious who want to deepen their knowledge of the psyche and understand why humans behave the way we do. For future psychoanalysts it will be a wonderful accordion to carry under their arm throughout their training about the exceptional world of the unconscious and its scope.

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Sobre Alberto Palacios Boix (Escritor)

  • Alberto Palacios Boix
    El doctor Alberto Palacios Boix es experto en el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide y cuenta con más de 30 años de experiencia siendo un destacado reumatólogo en diversas instituciones de prestigio como el Hospital Ángeles Pedregal. Se formó como médico cirujano en la Universi... Ver más sobre el autor

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