Discipline with Love for Grandparents

A Second Chance to Love

In Discipline with Love for Grandparents: A Second Chance to Love, Rosa Barocio invites us, with great sense of humour and many stories, to reflect on, question, and discard old patterns that damage the relationship between parents and grandparents. It also helps us understand how to strengthen this family childcare network by keeping healthy personal boundaries among its members. The best-selling author provides effective recommendation for fostering a close and loving relationship with grandchildren by avoiding the overpermissiveness that might damage their formative process. 

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Disciplina con amor
  • English

Sobre Rosa Barocio (Escritor)

  • Rosa Barocio
    Rosa Barocio buscó sensibilizarnos con sus conferencias y libros sobre la necesidad de una educación que integrara el desarrollo del intelecto con un corazón tolerante y compasivo. Fue maestra, licenciada en Educación y madre de dos hijos. Trabajó durante más de 30 años con niños... Ver más sobre el autor

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