Terapias postmodernas
Aportaciones construccionistas
Los autores realizan una exploración de los cambios en las percepciones de la propia persona dentro del ambiente familiar, estructuradas y m...Amores que duran… y duran… y duran
Claves para superar las creencias destructivas que separan a la parejas
La fórmula para mantener a una pareja unida en armonía y con respeto es algo que se pregunta constantemente, como si se tratara de un secret...An Introduction to Neuroscience
In this updated edition of An Introduction to Neuroscience, Mireya Frausto features a solid guide to understanding the origin, foundations a...Group Social Work
In Group Social Work, Yolanda Contreras de Wilhelm offers a well-founded and practice-proven method for group intervention. The author descr...Positive Psychology Practice
Positive psychology is concerned with the scientific study of living well, as well as the factors that enable the optimal development of hum...The Interview Technique with Adolescents
Integration of psychological models
This book is an excellent manual that provides the main current interviewing techniques for communicating effectively with adolescents. Thes...Manual para la evaluación de las funciones del yo (EFY)
La evaluación de las funciones del yo (EFY) es un método de fiabilidad y validez estadística probada, desarrollado por Leopold Bellak, quien...Narcisismo en adolescentes y jóvenes
Cómo ayudarlos desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria
El psicoanálisis puede ser una vía de realización fecunda para la investigación y el trabajo docente. Numerosos problemas que atañen a las c...Terapia gestalt con mujeres víctimas de violencia
En este libro se reúnen dos procesos de psicoterapia grupal de los que se vinieron desarrollando con mujeres víctimas de violencia de Ciudad...Sé tu propio terapeuta
Programa de 52 sesiones que sanará tu vida. De mi luz a tu luz
Sé tu propio terapeuta te invita a hacer una instrospección a consciencia para encontrar todas aquellas heridas que te impiden llevar una vi...El gestálogo
Jesús Miguel Martínez, a través de ejemplos claros y casos ilustrativos, demuestra cómo las estrategias y técnicas terapéuticas del modelo e...Family Dynamics
A systemic psychological approach
Family Dynamics is an X-ray of family as a primary social group from the systemic approach. It delves into the interaction processes that ta...Windows to Gestalt Psychology
Optics, aesthetics, ethics, and erotics of psychotherapy
In Windows to Gestalt Psychology, Francisco Fernández draws on the writings of philosophers, educators, poets and artists in order to approa...Psychopathology
The Psychology of Abnormality
In Psychopathology. The Psychology of Abnormality, Marco Antonio Espinosa explains the most common mental disorders in the adult population,...The Renewed Mind
A guide to generate positive thoughts and emotions whenever you need it
In The Renewed Mind, Federico Pérez Castillo shares the steps needed in order to generate neural circuits that are in permanent renewal, and...Criminal Psychology in 80 Questions
In today's society, so troubled by crime and violence, we constantly ask ourselves: How can anyone be capable of committing cold-blooded mur...Psychoanalysis for Curious
An approach to basic concepts
In this book, those diffuse ideas that we have in our heads are synthesized and explained, with questions and answers carefully prepared wit...A Dictionary of Graphology and Personality
Your Writing Will Betray You
A Dictionary of Graphology and Personality: Your Writing Will Betray You is a simple, reliable, and useful tool to get to know a person thro...Gestalt in Small Words
Theoretical Contributions for Therapeutic
In Gestalt in Small Words, Francisco Fernández Romero takes up themes derived from Gestalt theory, reflects on the practice of daily work wi...¿Qué podemos hacer para evitar el suicidio?
Luz de Lourdes Eguiluz presenta en este libro alternativas orientadas a la prevención e intervención con personas en riesgo de suicidio. Des...Leave Me Alone!
A guide to promote effective peace in schools
Trixia Valle, an expert and a pioneer in addressing the issue of bullying, has worked for more than a decade to lay the foundations of an an...The Language of Psychotherapist
Communication strategies for clinical practice
In The Language of Psychotherapists, Jesús Miguel Martínez MD, delves into what happens between therapists and clients, focusing on communic...Psychotherapeutic Game for Emotional Development
Gestalt psychotherapy for kids and teenagers
Lorena Fernández M.D. provides psychotherapists with a guide to help children find alternative solutions to daily experiences that they are ...60 Steps to Medical Diagnosis
Clinical interpretation method for complex problems
Dr. De la Fuente, based on his vast professional experience, describes the method for clinical interpretation of complex problems and thus f...Gestalt Psychotherapy with Female Victims of Violence
Violence against girls and women is one of the most widespread, persistent, devastating human rights violations today. This book describes i...