María Balsa Sabbagh

María Balsa Sabbagh

María Balsa Sabbagh es licenciada en Psicología y maestra en Terapia Gestalt. Tiene un máster en Terapia Breve Estratégica, con diplomado en Intervención Sexológica y en Sexualidad y Erotismo; y ha cuenta con diversos cursos de Psicología para la práctica clínica. Tiene experiencia en docencia universitaria, capacitación empresarial, práctica en clínica privada, como conferencista y tallerista. Apasionada del trabajo con padres y madres de familia en educación para la sexualidad.

Es coautora de Soluciones en sexualidad infantil y adolescente (2019), bajo el sello Pax.

María Elena Balsa Sabbagh has a degree in Psychology and an MA in Gestalt Therapy. She also did an MA in Brief Strategic Therapy, and diplomas in both Sexological Intervention, and Sexuality and Eroticism. María Elena has taken several courses in clinical psychology. She has experience in university teaching, business training, private clinical practice, as well as a lecturer and a workshop leader. She is passionate about working with parents in sex education.

She is co-author of Soluciones en sexualidad infantil y adolescente (2019), published by Pax.

Fernando Álvarez Vázquez has a degree in Psychology, and an MA in Sexology, Hypnosis, and Brief Systemic Family Therapy; he is a specialist in child hypnosis, play therapy, and prevention and treatment of gender violence. He has taught at master's, speciality, and diploma levels. Fernando is also experienced in private clinical practice, and has been a speaker at national and international congresses.

He is co-author of Soluciones en sexualidad infantil y adolescente (2019), published by Pax.